
Thibaud Brault

Front-end developer based in Nantes


  • Fullstack JS developer

    Zénika, Nantes

    Internship of 6 months between February 2023 and September 2023

    • Client: FAQ - Zénika (internal site)

    • Setting up e2e tests with Playwright to ensure the quality and stability of the website.
    • Adding new features, including the creation of a specialist status for question validation and the integration of the Google Translate API for content translation.
    • Improving the development experience by migrating the project from 'Create-React-App' to 'Vite,' resulting in a significant increase in speed and efficiency.
    • Updating React and React-Router to the latest versions, allowing to take advantage of the latest technological advancements.
    • Updating Apollo GraphQL dependencies to enable the use of React hooks and streamline GraphQL query management with a single dependency, resulting in the removal of several others.
    • Migrating to Tailwind to clean up the current CSS and unify the existing styles.
    • React
    • Playwright
    • Vite
    • Tailwind
    • Prisma
    • Graphql
    • CircleCI




  • Multi-tenant SaaS fully responsive
  • Different levels of subscriptions that gives access to different features
  • Roles and permissions
  • Add, remove and modify users
  • Questions / answers
  • Add / remove tags
  • Markdown support for answers
  • Customizable theme
  • and much more

Landing page

FAQMaker - Home


  • Music presentation by category, popularity, date added, ...
  • Functional music player (play/pause, next/previous, loop, and shuffle)
  • Authentication required to save favorites and create playlists
  • Admin user can add albums, musics, ...
  • History of tracks listened by user


PokéRef - Home


  • Presentation of my projects
  • Image carousel
  • Available in both French and English


Passionate about both computer science and creation, it was only natural for me to turn to website development.

As a proponent of clean code, I am attentive to accessibility, responsive design, performance optimization, and adhering to good SEO practices.

  • React
  • Svelte
  • Next
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind
  • Sass
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • Drizzle
  • Playwright
  • Github Actions